Category: Uncategorised

Spring Webflux Functional Endpoint – File Upload

In this blog using the Spring WebFlux module, we are going to leverage the functional programming style to define web endpoints using functional endpoints and routing functions. Here’s an example demonstrating the usage of functional endpoints in Spring WebFlux: In this example, the functional endpoint “/upload” is defined using RouterFunction. The @RouterOperations and @RouterOperation annotations […]

Serverless Functions with Spring Cloud Function, AWS Lambda

Spring Cloud Function is a project within the Spring ecosystem that allows developers to build serverless applications using Spring Boot and deploy them to various cloud platforms, including AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service provided by Amazon Web Services. It allows to run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Spring Cloud […]

Spring Boot + RabbitMQ – Decoupling Microservices Communication

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It serves as a messaging intermediary between different components of an application, facilitating communication by enabling the exchange of messages across various systems and languages. Key concepts and components of RabbitMQ include: 1. Message Broker: RabbitMQ acts as a message […]

Spring Integration – Sending files over SFTP

Spring Integration is a powerful extension of the Spring Framework designed to support the implementation of enterprise integration patterns in a Spring-based application. It provides a set of components and APIs for building messaging solutions and integrating disparate systems within an application. At its core, Spring Integration leverages the concept of message-driven architectures, where components […]

Spring Cloud Config Client

The Spring Cloud Config Client is a component of the Spring Cloud framework that enables applications to access configuration properties stored in a centralized configuration server. It allows for the externalization of configurations from the application code, promoting a more maintainable and flexible architecture. Spring Cloud Config Server is where the configurations for multiple applications […]

Handling CSV in Python

In Python, handling CSV (Comma Separated Values) files is easy using the built-in csv module. Here’s an example of how we can write/read a CSV file: Here we are writing the contents of a list to csv and displaying the contents by reading the csv.

Spring Cloud Config Server – JDBC Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server provides a centralized location for managing and serving configuration information to client applications in microservices and distributed systems. It supports various backends for storing configuration data, such as Git, SVN, JDBC, and more. Clients can request their configuration from the Config Server, and the server responds with the appropriate configuration based […]

Spring Boot – Sending email with attachment code example

Spring Boot provides convenient support for sending email messages using the JavaMailSender interface. Need to include the spring-boot-starter-mail dependency. This starter module simplifies the configuration and usage of email functionality in Spring Boot application. Configure email properties: Create model to load the email configurations. The @ConfigurationProperties annotation is used to bind external configuration properties to […]

ARM templates VS AWS CloudFormation VS Terraform

ARM templates, AWS CloudFormation, and Terraform are all infrastructure as code (IaC) tools used to automate and manage cloud resources and infrastructure. They each have their own features and strengths, and the choice between them often depends on the cloud provider you are using (Azure for ARM templates, AWS for CloudFormation, and multi-cloud or other […]

Simple application developed using microservices deployed on AWS

Microservices are a modern approach to software whereby application code is delivered in small, manageable pieces, independent of others.Their small scale and relative isolation can lead to many additional benefits, such as easier maintenance, improved productivity, greater fault tolerance, better business alignment, and more. The distributed nature of microservices has challenges. To mitigate that following Spring Cloud features […]