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Spring Cloud AWS – File upload to S3

Spring cloud AWS simplifies using AWS managed services in a spring and spring boot applications. S3 is used to store files in a cloud. Spring Cloud AWS provides a spring boot starter to auto-configure the various S3 integration related components.


Spring Cloud AWS BOM for the starter:


Used S3Template to upload file to S3. Spring Cloud AWS provides S3Template which has methods for most S3 use cases.

Define following Spring Cloud AWS related properties: = true = ${S3_ENDPOINT} = ${ACCESS_KEY} = ${SECRET_KEY} = ${AWS_REGION} = ${AWS_REGION} = ${BUCKET_NAME}

Rest Controller for the file upload:

public class S3FileUploadController {
 UploadService service;
 @PostMapping(path="/upload", consumes="multipart/form-data")
 public Flux<Object> fileUpload(@RequestPart(name="file",required=true) FilePart file){"inside controller");
  return service.csvFileUpload(file);

Fileupload to S3:

public class UploadServiceImpl implements UploadService {

 S3Template s3Template;
 String bucketName;

 public Flux<Object> csvFileUpload(FilePart filePart) {"inside csvFileUpload" + filePart.filename());

  return filePart.content().map(dataBuffer -> {

   InputStream is = dataBuffer.asInputStream();
   S3Resource resource = s3Template.upload(bucketName, "employees.csv", is);
   try { 
    return resource.getURL();
   } catch (IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return Mono.error(e);




Source Code:


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