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Apache Kafka Installation

In this post we will go through the details of Apache Kafka installation on windows machine

Download Apache Kafka from the url

To start Apache Kafka with ZooKeeper follow the below steps

  • Once the binary is downloaded extract the kafka files
  • We will have to perform some configurations before starting the Kafka
  • Navigate to config folder inside kafka
  • Open and update the dataDir path to where the snapshot has to be stored
  • Open and update the logs.dir path to where the logs has to be stored
  • This completes the configuration
  • The windows scripts(batch files) are present inside bin/windows
  • Run the following commands in order to start all services in the correct order:
D:\kafka_2.13-3.4.0\bin\windows>zookeeper-server-start.bat ../../config/
  • open another cmd and run:
D:\kafka_2.13-3.4.0\bin\windows>kafka-server-start.bat ../../config/
  • Once all services have successfully launched, we will have a basic Kafka environment running and ready to use.
  • Next we will create topic to store the events
D:\kafka_2.13-3.4.0\bin\windows>kafka-topics.bat --describe --topic <topic_name> --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

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